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蕭俊杰 助理教授

發佈日期 : 2017/08/21 最後更新日期 : 2023/08/04

蕭俊杰老師個人照片蕭俊杰 助理教授

分機: 5702

Mail: cchsiao@mail.lhu.edu.tw




中文名稱 英文名稱
無線感測網路 Wireless Sensor Network
電腦圖學科技 Computer Graphics Technology
計算機結構 Computer Architecture


學位 學校名稱 系所名稱
博士 國立台灣大學 電機所 計算機組博士班
碩士 美國紐約州立大學(水牛城分校) 電機及電腦工程所
學士 中原大學 電機工程系


單位名稱 職務
龍華科技大學 資訊網路工程系 系主任
龍華科技大學 資訊網路工程系 系副主任
龍華科技大學 資訊網路工程系 專任助理教授
龍華科技大學 資訊網路工程系 專任講師
龍華科技大學 電機工程系 專任講師
工業技術研究院 電腦與通訊研究所 副工程師
台塑集團南亞塑膠公司 助理主辦


  • 助理教授證書(助理字第020685號)
  • 講師證書(講字第41279號)


  • 期刊論文:
    • Chwan-Lu Tseng, Chun-Chieh Hsiao, I-Chi Chou, Chia-Jung Hsu, Yi-Ju Chang, Ren-Guey Lee, “Design And Implementation Of ECG Compression Algorithm With Controllable Percent Root-mean-square Difference,” To appear in Journal of Biomedical Engineering-Applications, Basis & Communications. (EI)
    • Chung-Chih Lin, Ren-Guey Lee, Chun-Chieh Hsiao, “A Pervasive Health Monitoring Service System Based On Ubiquitous Network Technology,” To appear in International Journal of Medical Informatics (IJMI). (SCI)
    • C. C. Hsiao, R. G. Lee, I. C. Chou, C. C Lin and D. Y. Huang, “A Tele-Emergent System for Long-Term ECG Monitoring over Wireless Sensor Network,” To appear in Journal of Biomedical Engineering-Applications, Basis & Communications. (EI)
    • Ren-Guey Lee, Kuei-Chien Chen, Chun-Chieh Hsiao, and Chwan-Lu Tseng, “A Mobile Care System With Alert Mechanism,” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 507-517, September 2007. (SCI)
    • Chung-Chih Lin, Ming-Jang Chiu, Chun-Chieh Hsiao, Ren-Guey Lee, and Yuh-Show Tsai, "Wireless Health Care Service System for Elderly With Dementia," IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 696-704, October 2006. (SCI)
    • Ren-Guey Lee, Chien-Chih Lai, and Chun-Chieh Hsiao, “Implementation of a Cable Access Point Device for Ubiquitous Network Applications" IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 402-406, MAY 2006. (SCI)
    • R.G. Lee, C.C. Hsiao, C.C. Chen, and M.S. Liu “A Mobile-care System Integrated with Bluetooth Blood Pressure and Pulse Monitor,  and Cellular Phone,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Volume E89-D No.5, pp.1702-1711, 2006. (SCI)
    • Chun-Chieh Hsiao, “Virtual Bamboo Sculptor: A System for Automatic Synthesis of Virtual Chinese Bamboo Sculpture,” Journal of Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Vol. 19, pp. 99-118, September 2005.
    • R.G. Lee, C.C. Hsiao, K.C. Chen, and M.H. Liu, “An Intelligent Diabetes Mobile Care System with Alert Mechanism,” Journal of Biomedical Engineering-Applications, Basis & Communications, Vol. 17, No.4, pp. 28-34, August 2005. (EI)
  • 會議論文:
    • Wei-Lieh Hsu, Chun-Chieh Hsiao, Yang-Lang Chang, Tsung-Lun Chen, ”A Vision-based Surveillance System Using Cellular Model,” 2006 NTCB Conference on Information Management and Practices, pp. 25-32, Taiwan, Dec. 15, 2006.
    • Ren-Guey Lee, Chien-Chih Lai, and Chun-Chieh Hsiao, “Implementation of a Cable Access Point (CAP) Device for Ubiquitous Network Applications,” Proceedings of the 4th Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference, 2006 (CNSR 2006), pp.235-242, Canada, May 24-25, 2006.
    • R.G. Lee, C.C. Hsiao, D.Y. Huang and M.H. Jin, “A tele-emergent system for long-term ECG monitoring over cluster-based wireless sensor network,” Proceeding of the 11th Mobile Computing Workshop, pp. 1-5. Taiwan, March 31, 2005.
    • C.C. Hsiao and Z.C. Shih, “The Image Synthesis for Virtual Bamboo Sculpting,” Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2003, Nagasaki, Japan, Feb 2003, pp. 401-406.
    • H.Y. Chiu, C.C. Hsiao, and Z.C. Shih, “The Synthesis of Chinese Ink Figure Painting,” Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2001, Korea, Feb 2001, pp. 235-239.
    • 蕭俊杰等,”虛擬實境之摩登家庭,” 86年度重點科技論文研討會,桃園,台灣,pp. 35-41.
    • 蕭俊杰等,”多媒體陶瓷之旅,” 86年度重點科技論文研討會,桃園,台灣,pp. 48-53.


  • 蕭俊杰、賈維國、黃俊凱、蕭景瀚, “產生硬體游標之方法及架構”,中華民國專利證號第68667號,專利期間1994.11.01-2013.12.15
  • 王暑衛、賈維國、蕭俊杰、黃俊凱, “Graphics Memory Architecture for Multimode Display System,” 美國專利證號 No. 5,422,657, 專利期間 1995.06.06-2013.09.12
  • 王暑衛、賈維國、蕭俊杰、黃俊凱, “Graphics Memory Architecture for Multimode Display System,” 德國專利證號 No. DE4431304, 專利期間 1998.02.19-2014.09.01
  • 黃俊凱、朱俊明、蕭俊杰、賈維國, “Word Boundary Parameter Evaluation for Bit Block Transfer Operation in A Computer Graphics System,” 美國專利證號No. 5,522,021, 專利期間1996.05.28-2014.03.07
  • 黃俊凱、朱俊明、蕭俊杰、賈維國, ”圖素區塊搬移之系統與方法,” 中華民國專利證號第083374號,專利期間1996.12.21-2014.05.17
  • 王暑衛、賈維國、蕭俊杰、黃俊凱, “多重模式顯示系統之繪圖記憶體架構”, 中華民國專利證號第084986號,專利期間1997.03.01-2013.10.28


  • 郭伯川、蕭俊杰,”Median-Cut V1.0,” 著作權期間 1991.8.21-2021.8.21


  • A Vision-based Surveillance System Using Cellular Model 龍華科技大學 95/1/1-95/12/31
  • 飛行模擬程式之製作與研究 龍華科技大學 90/7/1-91/6/30
  • 以VRML建構龍華虛擬校園之可行性分析 龍華科技大學 86/7/1-97/6/30


  • 龍華科技大學92學年度電機類專題競賽 第三名
  • 龍華科技大學95學年度電機類專題競賽 佳作