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曹瑞和 助理教授

發佈日期 : 2020/12/03 最後更新日期 : 2023/08/04

曹瑞和老師個人照片曹瑞和 助理教授





學位 學校名稱 系所名稱
博士 英國 倫敦帝國理工學院 計算機系 理論計算機科學
碩士 英國 倫敦帝國理工學院 計算機系 資訊科技
碩士 英國 劍橋大學 純粹數學和數理統計系 數學
學士 國立交通大學 應用數學系


學位 學校名稱 起迄年月
龍華科技大學 資訊網路工程系 專任助理教授 -
英國 倫敦帝國理工學院 計算機系 副研究員 副研究員 -
中文名稱 英文名稱
數位拓樸 Digital Topology
離散幾何 Discrete Geometry
數學形態學 Mathematical Morphology
電腦圖學 Computer Graphics
影像處理 Image Processing
無線感測網路 Wireless Sensor Network
固定點理論及應用 Fixed and Almost Fixed Point Theory and Applications


  • 我之前的研究方向主要著重於拓撲(topological)與代數拓撲(algebraic topological) 理論於下列領域的應用:
    組合數學和幾何:Borsuk-Ulam 類型和 Kakutani 類型定理的組合式應用;
  • 目前,除了繼績之前的研究外,並將擴展至賽局理論(Game Theory)與網路設計的應用,也希望將我的研究擴及到其它數學分支與實際的電腦應用領域。
    My primary research interests are in the topological and algebraic topological methods in the following fields:
    COMBINATORICS & GEOMETRY: combinatorial applications of the Borsuk-Ulam type and Kakutani type theorems.  Keywords: graphs and digraphs, partially ordered sets, simplicial and CW- complexes.
    THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE: development of new concepts (and the mathematical foundations) of digital topology and discrete/computational/digital geometry and their applications to the analysis of the images and spatial reasoning.  Keywords: digital topology, discrete and computational geometry, discrete spatial models, image analysis and processing.
    I am also interested in all fields of mathematics as well as their applications in computer science.



  • AStudy of Almost Fixed Point for Digital Spaces Ph.D. thesis, Imperial Cillege London, 2003.


  • Iteration Functions Systems-Classical Analytic and Domain Theoreic Models M.Sc, thesis, Imperial College London, 1995.
  • M.B. Smyth, R. Tsaur, and I. Stewart. Topological Graph Dimension. Discrete Mathematics, 310:325–329, 2010. (SCI)
  • R. Tsaur. The Baillon-Simons Theorems. Discrete Mathematics, 293:251–261, 2005. (SCI)
  • M.B. Smyth and R. Tsaur. AFPP vs FPP: the link between almost fixed point properties of discrete structures and fixed point properties of spaces. Applied Categorical Structures, 11:95– 116, 2003. (SCI)
  • R. Tsaur and M.B. Smyth. Convexity in Helly graphs: selectionand fixed point properties of multifunctions. Electronic Notesin Theoretical Computer Science, 161:151–163, 2006.R. Tsaur and M.B. Smyth. Fixed points in digital topology(via Helly posets). Electronic Notes in Theoretical ComputerScience, 74:207 - 223, 2003.
  • M.B. Smyth and R. Tsaur. Hyperconvex semi-metric spaces.Topology Proceeding, 26:791–810, 2001–2002.
  • R. Tsaur and M.B. Smyth. “Continuous” multifunctions indiscrete spaces with applications to fixed point theory. In G.Bertrand, A. Imiya, and R. Klette, editors, Digital and ImageGeometry: Advanced Lectures, volume 2243 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,pages 75–88, 2001. (SCI)
  • M.B. Smyth and R. Tsaur. A digital version of the Kakutanifixed point theorem for convex-valued multifunctions. ElectronicNotes in Theoretical Computer Science, 40: 393 - 407, 2001