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陳彥達 助理教授

發佈日期 : 2017-08-21 最後更新日期 : 2023-08-04

陳彥達老師個人照片陳彥達 助理教授


分機 :5709



學位 學校名稱 系所名稱 起迄年月
博士 淡江大學 資訊工程研究所 92年9月~ 96年6月
碩士 淡江大學 資訊工程研究所 90年9月~ 91年6月
學士 淡江大學 資訊工程學系 86年9月~ 90年6月


單位名稱 職務 起迄年月
97年7月~ 迄今
97年2月~ 97年6月
97年2月~ 97年6月
94年9月~ 96年6月
93年9月~ 94年1月


中文名稱 英文名稱


Computer Network
無線網路 Wireless Network
感測網路 Sensor Network
行動學習 Mobile Learning
通訊協定設計 Communication Protocol Design


中文名稱 英文名稱
全球互通微波存取 WiMAX (IEEE 802.16)
無線網路 WiFi (IEEE 802.11)
無線車載網路 Wireless Vehicular Network


  • Best Confernece Award: Yen-Da Chen, Yu-Cheng Chang*, "AI-DAS: An AI-based Driving Assistance System for Scooters to Traffic Accident Avoidance System," in Proceeding of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data Conference (ICEIB 2022), Hsinchu, Taiwan, July. 15-17, 2022.
  • Best Confernece Award: Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, Chun-Wei Chiang, Bo-Jun Liu, “Geo-BASS: Distributed Geometric-Based Activity Scheduling Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN 2005), Chungli, Taiwan, Aug. 1-2, 2005. 94年8月
  • Best Confernece Award: Kuei-Ping Shih, Chau-Chieh Chang, and Yen-Da Chen, “On Avoiding Large Interference Range Collisions for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the National Computer Symposium (NCS 2007), Taichung, Taiwan, Dec. 20-21, 2007. 96年12月


  •  Journal Papers
    [1] Kuei-Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, and Chau-Chieh Chang, “A Physical/Virtual Carrier-sense-based Power Control MAC Protocol for Collision Avoidance in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2009. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.916, 2008) (to appear)
    [2] Kuei-Ping Shih, Chih-Yung Chang, Yen-Da Chen, and Tsung-Han Chuang, “Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for QoS Routing on TDMA-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” Computer Communications, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 1316-1329, May 2006. (SCI, Impact Factor = 0.556)
    [3] Kuei-Ping Shih and Yen-Da Chen, “CAPC: A Collision Avoidance Power Control MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 859-861, Sep. 2005. (SCI, Impact Factor = 1.058)
  • Conference Papers
    • 國際會議論文
  1. Yen-Da Chen, Yu-Cheng Chang*, "AI-DAS: An AI-based Driving Assistance System for Scooters to Traffic Accident Avoidance System," in Proceeding of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data Conference (ICEIB 2022), Hsinchu, Taiwan, July. 15-17, 2022.
  2. San-Yuan Wang, Kuei-Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, and Hsin-Hui Ku, “Preserving Target Area Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks by Using Computational Geometry,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2010), Sydney, Australia, Apr. 18-21, 2010. (Acceptance rate: 38.1% (500/1312))
  3. Kuei-Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, and Shu-Sheng Liu, “A Collision Avoidance Multi-Channel MAC Protocol with Physical Carrier Sensing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Applications of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks(AASNET), in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2010), Perth, Australia, Apr. 20-23, 2010.
  4. Kuei-Ping Shih, Chau-Chieh Chang, and Yen-Da Chen, “MRPC: A Multi-Rate Supported Power Control MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2009), Budapest, Hungary, Apr. 5-8, 2009.
  5. Kuei-Ping Shih, Chun-Chih Li, and Yen-Da Chen, “An Intruder Avoidance Vulnerable Path Adjustment Protocol for Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Joint Conferences on Pervasive Computing (JCPC 2009), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 3-5, 2009.
  6. Kuei-Ping Shih, Chau-Chieh Chang, and Yen-Da Chen, “A Fragmentation- based Data Collision Free MAC Protocol with Power Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Mar. 31-Apr. 3, 2008.
  7. Kuei-Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, and Chau-Chieh Chang, “Adaptive Range-Based Power Control for Collision Avoidance in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Jun. 24-27, 2007. (EI)
  8. Kuei-Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, Chun-Wei Chiang, and Bo-Jun Liu, “A Distributed Active Sensor Selection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2006), Pula-Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, Jun. 26-29, 2006.
  9. Kuei-Ping Shih, Chih-Yung Chang, Chien-Min Chou, Shih-Chieh Lee, Yen-Da Chen, and Hsu-Ruey Chang, “GUARD: A GUide, Alarm, Recovery, and Detection System on a Wireless Sensor Network for the Blind,” in Proceedings of the 2005 International Workshop on Mobile Systems, E-Commerce, and Agent Technology (MSEAT 2005), Banff, Canada, Sep. 5-7, 2005.
  10. Jenhui Chen and Yen-Da Chen, "AMNP: Ad Hoc Multichannel Negotitation Protocol for Multihop Wireless Networks," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004), Paris, France, June 20-24, 2004. (EI) (Accepted Rate: 26.3%)
  11. Kuei-Ping Shih, Chih-Yung Chang, Yen-Da Chen, and Tsung-Han Chuange, “A Distributed Slots Reservation Protocol for QoS Routing on TDMA-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2004), Singapore, Nov. 16-19, 2004. (EI and Acceptance rate: 35% (130/370))
  12. Kuei-Ping Shih, Chih-Yung Chang, Sean S. Wang, Jen-Hung Su, and Yen-Da Chen, “An Efficient Routing Protocol on Bluetooth Group-Scatternet,” in Proceedings of the 2003 International Workshop on Mobile Systems, E-Commerce, and Agent Technology (MSEAT 2003), Florida, USA, Sep. 24-26, 2003.
  • 國內會議論文
  1. Kuei-Ping Shih, Chun-Chih Li, Po-Chieh Hsu, and Yen-Da Chen, “A Power Controlled Channel Selection MAC Protocol in Wireless Multichannel Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the Cross-Strait Conference on Information Science and Technology (CSCIST 2010), Qinhuangdao, China, Jul. 9-11, 2010.
  2. Yen-Da Chen, Chan-Ying Lien, Kuei-Ping Shih, “A Collision Free CSMA-based MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of the Cross-Strait Conference on Information Science and Technology (CSCIST 2010), Qinhuangdao, China, Jul. 9-11, 2010.
  3. Kuei-Ping Shih, Chun-Chih Li, Po-Chieh Hsu, and Yen-Da Chen, “A Distributed Spatial-Aware Channel Assignment MAC Protocol for Throughput Enhancement in Wireless Multichannel Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the Mobile Computing Workshop (MC 2010), Taichung, Taiwan, May 28, 2010.
  4. Yen-Da Chen, Wan-Zhen Zhuang, Si-Yi Li, and Chau-Chieh Chang, “A Data Collision Free MAC Protocol with Power Control for Large Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN 2009), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep. 10-11, 2009. (recipient of the Best Paper Candidate)
  5. San-Yuan Wang, Kuei-Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, and Hsin-Hui Ku, “A Geometric-Based Node Cover Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of the Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET 2009), Changhua, Taiwan, Oct. 28-30, 2009.
  6. Kuei-Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, Shu-Sheng Liu, and Chau-Chieh Chang, “∏-Mc: A Pipelining Multi-channel MAC Protocol with Single Transceiver for Data Collision Free in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN 2008), Tainan, Taiwan, Sep. 4-5, 2008.
  7. Kuei-Ping Shih, Chau-Chieh Chang, and Yen-Da Chen, “On Avoiding Large Interference Range Collisions for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the National Computer Symposium (NCS 2007), Taichung, Taiwan, Dec. 20-21, 2007. (recipient of the Best Paper Award)
  8. Kuei-Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, and Chau-Chieh Chang, “An Energy-Efficient Power Control MAC Protocol by Optimizing Transmission Power,” in Proceedings of the 12th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC 2006), Taichung, Taiwan, Mar. 31, 2006.
  9. Kuei-Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, Chun-Wei Chiang, Bo-Jun Liu, “Geo-BASS: Distributed Geometric-Based Activity Scheduling Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN 2005), Chungli, Taiwan, Aug. 1-2, 2005. (recipient of the Best Paper Award )
  10. Kuei-Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, Chun-Wei Chiang, and Bo-Jun Liu, “A Distributed Activity Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of the Conference on Communication and Multimedia Applications, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 17, 2005.
  11. Kuei-Ping Shih, San-Yuan Wang, Yen-Da Chen, and Tsung-Han Chuang, “On QoS Routing in TDMA-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics and Systems (ICICS 2003), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 14-16, 2003.
  • Master Thesis
    • Distributed Multichannel Negotiation Protocol for Multihop Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Tamkang University, June 2003.
  • Ph.D. Dissertation
    • Different Aspects of Hidden Terminal Problems in Wireless Ad Hoc Network: Problems and Solutions, Tamkang University, June 2007.