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Company Job Posting Submission Form

各位公司/廠商 您好,本表單為本系提供廠商提交職缺的提交表單。請您提交職缺並告知為實習或正職,以利本系進行公告,感謝您的配合。 

Dear companies/employers, This form is for submitting job openings to our department. Kindly specify if it's an internship or full-time position for proper announcement. Thank you for your cooperation.

此欄位為「是」之選項的廠商,懇請另致電預約,分機:5701,感謝。 For vendors with "Yes" in this field, please call to make an appointment at extension 5701. Thank you.
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若有其他疑問,或需入班宣導,請先致電本系分機: 5701

For any other inquiries or if you need class enrollment orientation, please call our department at extension 5701.