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Course Closed: CN23041-Network Security Technology

Course: Network Security Technology CN23041

Class: 四技資網四選D(Senior, Four-year Evening Section D)




D1084183704 邴○佑                 
D1094112030 曹○碩                 
D1094162717 王○祥                 
D1094181014 鐘○傑                 
D1094181021 許○承                 
D1094181032 莊○宇                 
D1094181047 武○南                 
D1094181301 潘○豪                 
D1094182008 郭○育                 
D1094183046 阮○中                 
D1094423036 羅○翔                 
D1104111012 廖○翰

The course has been closed due to insufficient enrollment, If you have any questions, please call our office at ext 5701.

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